

Friday, September 24, 2010

TeeTee On Your Own Time!

Mrs. X checks in at 10:45 for her 11:15 appointment, just as she was asked. It takes her about 10 minutes to complete her paperwork, then she settles into a chair near the television and begins to watch the news. She sips on a cup of water from the water dispenser, then decides to have a cup of coffee. She wanders around the waiting room, glancing at several different magazines, before choosing one to flip through while she watches some more of the news.

The Technologist who will be performing her exam has had a rough morning. Her first patient was 30 minutes late, and eating a biscuit from Chik-fil-a. Her second patient was scheduled into a regular 15 minute exam slot, even though her patient information CLEARLY stated that she was a lower leg amputee with left-sided stroke paralysis who required additional time. (Too bad the "big" boss quietly informed the scheduling department that they are no longer allowed to add additional time for ANY reason.) The Tech managed to make up a little time, but then got backed up again waiting on the Radiologist to view diagnostic films, and waiting on two other patients who needed more views than usual due to their quite LARGE body habitus.

So it's now 11:40. The Technologist is running 25 minutes behind schedule. Mrs. X has had the 30 minutes she checked in early, plus an additional 25 minutes to wander around the waiting room, drink various beverages, watch TV and read. The Technologist comes to the waiting room door, obviously harried and trying to hurry.

"Mrs. X? Good afternoon, I'm Ms. Tech and I will be doing your Mammogram. If you'll just come this way please?"

Mrs. X holds her finger up at Ms. Tech, because she needs a minute to finish telling the person on the other end of her cell phone that the Technologist is here to get her now. Once she FINALLY hangs up, she gathers up the 2 cups she has, drops them (still half full) into the waste basket and watches them slosh over the side onto the carpet. Then she closes her magazine and places it back on the stack. After staring at it for a few seconds, she changes her mind, and picks it back up to bring with her. Then she hangs her purse from her walker, places her newly "acquired" magazine on the seat, straightens her sweater (while complaining about how terribly cold the waiting room is), turns to Ms. Tech and follows her (a FULL four minutes after she was called) to the exam room door.

"Mrs. X, if you'll just walk over to that chair, I've already laid a gown out for you. I need you to please remove......"

But Mrs. X interrupts with - "Wait! Where's the restroom?"

REALLY?!?!?!? NOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You haven't had enough time to get yourself up from the waiting room chair and find the restroom? You found the magazines! You found the coffee pot - TWICE!!! You found the water dispenser MULTIPLE TIMES!!! The lovely little receptionist that took your paperwork even mentioned to you that "If you need it, the restroom is right through THIS door and to the right." But hey, why doesn't Ms. Tech wait another 15 minutes for you to fight those super-elastic compression hose out from under the 58-hook girdle you're wearing? She's got nothing else to do -


People! TeeTee on your OWN TIME!!!! Or for crying out loud, just HOLD IT!!!! The exam only takes 15 minutes, and if you can't hold it THAT LONG then you're here for the wrong damned exam!!!

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